Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pumpkin Fever

The New Pumpkin Spice m&m's!
If you haven’t yet noticed, it’s about that time of year again, pumpkin flavored everything. Every where you turn there’s a new ‘limited time’ pumpkin flavored this or that. Pumpkin becomes a major trend once the fall season comes back around. Every year, producers of all sorts of snacks and treats come up with something to flavor pumpkin. Pumpkin Oreos, muffins, cookies, pancakes and so much more. Anything you want pumpkin flavored, you can find. But why don’t we have pumpkin flavors all year round? Does pumpkin have to be limited to just a seasonal flavor? If it were up to the pumpkin lovers, I’m sure there would be everything pumpkin flavored all the time. It has been shown that pumpkin is actually starting to become much more of a year-round flavor instead of just seasonal because of it’s large demand. It’s crazy how many things are becoming pumpkin-ized every time the crisp air rolls back around at the end of summer.

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte
Some pumpkin flavored snacks this fall include the new pumpkin flavored M&M’s, the pop-tarts that Kellogg’s brought back again this year, Baskin-Robbins pumpkin spice ice cream and so many more delicious indulgences. Although, there is one pumpkin flavored treat that I read about that I might not be willing to try which is the pumpkin Pringles that Kellogg’s created last year. I don’t know about you guys, but that just does not sound appealing at all to me. Clearly there are some favorites that come back year after year and one of these favorites is the amazing and well-known Pumpkin Spice Latte from the one and only Starbucks. When getting this delightful drink, don’t forget to enjoy a piece of pumpkin bread along with it. I personally love pumpkin flavoring and will try most things pumpkin but there are always a few exceptions when creators get a little too pumpkin crazed. I for one cannot wait to get out and try some new pumpkin-ized foods!


  1. Pumpkin everything is very yummy haha but it may become too much if you try those pumpkin pringles. I wish that they did have pumpkin things such as the pumpkin spice latte year round because it would be a bigger hit and I think that more people would buy it and enjoy it if they had more of an opportunity to buy it. I feel like it is good though that pumpkin is only seasonal so that they have more flavors available for the rest of the year.

  2. I AGREE WITH YOU! Everyone just goes nuts once it comes to that time of year again.I see people posting it everywhere! I notice it everywhere I go as well from the gas station, restaurant, Caribou, T.V., Facebook...etc. Why is it that we are so obsessed with the pumpkin? Just you wait once Christmas comes around it will be peppermint everything! I mean I love it it goes with the holidays but enough already. They could at least be a little more creative and make a new thing we can all go crazy about:)

  3. Sometimes I think they go a bit overboard with pumpkin flavored things. I like the drinks at caribou,starbucks,etc...but some of the things are just plain weird! Lol. I mean pumpkin pringles?! Yuckkkk! I wouldn't even want to try them as I feel like it would ruin pumpkin for me!

  4. It only means ONE THING! Fall! Well, atleast the feeling of Fall and all the other lovely things of Fall to look forward too!
