Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Future of Tattoos: UV Tattoos

Ultraviolet Tattoos
     This day and age, visible tattoos are undesirable in many professional or non-tattoo related work places and can very likely prevent someone from getting a certain job. There also usually comes a time when people reach an age where they no longer want people (like children or grandchildren) to know that they ever have a tattoo. Until recently, the only way to avoid these problems was to either get the tattoo in a spot that can (or at least should) always be covered by clothes, that or to just not get a tattoo at all!
      But now there is another alternative and that is the UV Tattoo! The idea is generally the same as a regular tattoo, except instead of colored ink being injected under your skin, you are injected with a phosphorus pigment that, you guessed it, glows when put under Ultraviolet or 'black light'. Also, since it is virtually invisible under just normal light, it eliminates the problem of having tattoos in places that might be seen by an employer or customers as well as the need to constantly be hiding it when you don't it                                                           to be seen. 

Alternative Uses
     Besides what was previously stated about not having to worry about hiding your tattoo, there are other functions that this UV ink can do for you. This being that you can enhance your regular tattoos by adding some glow to them for an extra effect! A few celebrities, including Lil' Wayne, have already gotten UV Tattoos but considering that some of them have already gotten regular tattoos, they most likely got them to look cooler at parties and concerts where black lighting is common. Adding UV Ink to tattooing also opens up a whole new world of possibilities for new designs and possibly new clientele.

There are some health risks involved when getting one of these tattoos, some are just like the ones for a regular tattoo, including the possibility for rash, irritation, hives or an allergic reaction. However, since this process is relatively new, there is not much known about its long term effect. Many fear that the phosphorus, being a carcinogen, could lead to skin cancer though there is no known cases thus far. For this reason and also the fact that the ink is smaller then normal tattoo ink, many tattoo artists do not feel comfortable doing these UV tattoos. This leads to the problem of finding someone to administer the UV tattoo. Of the hundreds of tattoo parlors in Minnesota, there are only two that openly advertise that they administer UV tattoos and in the entire US there are only 23 that do. As time passes however, Ii am confident that with its popularity increasing so too will its availability, plus the fact that there are many reports of people purchasing the ink themselves on the internet and bringing it to there local tattoo parlors and getting them done there shows that many tattoo artists are open to doing it. The final thing to bring up is the issue of money. UV ink cost more then regular tattoo ink and also since the process is a little bit more difficult because of the smaller ink size, you can expect a tattoo made from UV ink to cost around 40% more then a regular one.



  1. Bioluminescence has always been a cool concept for me; it's intriguing knowing that certain animals have the ability to glow like that naturally. It's truly exciting to know that humans now have the option to do the same, even with the speculation of long term health complications. I think that getting a UV tattoo would be a great addition to any body, and it only makes things easier knowing that they're more easily hidden than regular tattoos.

  2. I never knew that ultraviolet tattoos were something that was available. I think it would be for useful for people who are regularly around black lights.. which I don't think is a lot of people. But yes, like you said people who go to parties and concerts. If I get a tattoo I want to be able to see it in any lighting, not just black lights because I'd rarely be in that lighting. It would be nice because no one can see it if you don't want people to but I still feel as though it would be a waste of money if it cant always be visible. Since it isn't very common right now and we're unsure of health risks, I wouldn't be one to risk it. I agree that it would be kinda cool to add some of it to a normal tattoo though!

  3. I never knew such ink existed for tatooing besides seeing glowing rats and mice. That picture of Yoda and his glowing lightsaber made me want to get a tatoo that glows. I never had a tatoo and probably never will but just knowing how technology has grown is amazing. I personally feel like there might be more health risks because I've always thought UV is bad for your skin.

  4. This is so cool, but I don't think people are going to be around black lights or carrying black lights with them so they can show people their invisible tattoo.
