Thursday, October 17, 2013

Special Needs Student Suspended for Bringing a Drawing of a Bomb to Class

Rhett Parham, 13 years old, brought a drawing of a cartoon bomb to his middle school in South Carolina. Rhett has autism and he loves to draw. His bomb drawing was inspired by one of his favorite video games, Bomberman 64. He took his drawing to school to show to some older students and next thing he knew, he was suspended from school. The school, Hillcrest Middle School knew that Rhett was not a threat but the school's zero tolerance policy led to an immediate suspension so they can investigate further, but he may be expelled if the school declares this was not an act caused by his autism.

The school is obviously overreacting to this situation. It's a drawing of a bomb for crying out loud. The pictures in history class are way more gruesome than this and the school will definitely involve violence in video game towards this situation if it goes on. Rhett Parham's mom, Amy, is asking the school district to reevaluate what the school considers as a threat. 

A reporter asked Rhett what he thought about the suspension, he replied, "they think they're bad, I think they don't to [..] show a picture of a bomb at school". People are becoming too sensitive towards bombings and shootings nowadays ever since 9/11 and recent school mass shootings. There are many cases of children bringing in toy weapons to school and being expelled from it, but they're just kids and that's how they amuse themselves. These threatening toy weapons usually are designed to inform people that they're fake like how toy guns have an orange paint on the tip of the gun. 

The chances of a school being attacked is pretty slim, so people should stop overreacting to these things. 

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