Heroin |
"A drug can be a substance that is used for medicine. It can also be an illegal and harmful substance such as coke/crack, meth, heroin, LSD or marijuana"(merriam-webster.com). Some legal substances that harmful are alcohol and cigarettes.
Meth |
Addictions can occur in various ways. It may be due to peer pressure, trying it to see what it's like, friends doing it and so someone does it to fit in, or using it to feel better /to feel less pain(prescription drugs) and then someone keeps taking the drug because they feel like they need it. Once an addiction has started, it can be very hard to stop because it'll feel unnatural to stop once you've been accustomed to it for so long.
Coke/Crack |
Coke or crack, heroin, and meth can lead to a person being addicted after just one use. "marijuana is really only addictive in extreme cases of heavy, prolonged use. Even then, the physical withdrawal symptoms are likely caused more due to psychological factors than by a real, physical withdrawal"(recoveryguy.hubpages.com). Most people know how much LSD to use so it isn't usually addictive. It all depends on how much someone uses though. Alcohol and cigarettes only become addicted when someone gets to that level where they become an alcoholic or they being addicted to the nicotine that is in cigarettes.
Rehab/treatment of each drug depends on the ability for it to be treated. Marijuana and LSD aren’t addictive unless they are consistently taken so someone might be able to quit on their own without treatment. On the other hand; heroin, meth and coke or crack are highly addictive so it may be hard to treat someone that takes one of those drugs. It would take a lot of treatment and rehabbing someone might not even be an option. It’s kinda like once someone starts, it’s almost impossible for them to quit because those drugs are so hard and have such an influence on the body once they are started. Quitting cigarettes seems to be an easy process. They have special gum called “nicorette” that quitters are supposed to take. Alcohol on the other hand is another story. Alcoholics usually have a hard time because eventually alcohol drinking becomes a norm. AA meetings and other groups may help a recovering alcoholic.
Cigarettes |
Alcohol |
Marijuana |
Overall, drugs (illegal and legal) are hard to quit once someone becomes addicted.
I have heard that quitting cigarettes can be harder to quit than heroin. Not sure because I've never done heroin, however, I can say that quitting smoking is the hardest thing ever to do. Even though 99% of it is in a persons mind.