Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Addiction to phone app games? Candy Crush the new epidemic?

So it's 2 AM and my phone is vibrating consistently. I look over with excitement and hesitation thinking to myself I wonder who this can possibly be ringing my phone at this time of night. Do I have an admirer? Messaging me to tell me that I was on there mind this evening? No it's one of my guys who would be considered by most to be a tough guy. Through Facebook was sending me an invite to join this game called Candy Crush. The thing that puzzled me the most is why is this self professed "Ladies Man" playing candy crush at this hour of night? When in my mind, he should've been just wrapping up his bar tour. And enjoy the rest of his evening with a woman from the bar. No come to find out, he is addicted to this game and chose to stay home and beat level 200. A growing trend among today's society is being hooked on this game. Why you might ask I don't know? But there is big money to be made over this simple addiction. Now, according to data at ThinkGaming.com, Candy Crush earns $850,000 per day. Really? Ridiculous, very much so in my mind. But how hypocritical of me to pass judgement! Because I'm addict to a little game called Jurassic Park Builder. Because it reminds me of a game I used to play in grade school called Dyno Park Tycoon. So we are going to see more and more of these little handheld addictive games come to the app market in the near future.The question is how long will you be able to avoid it? Until one day you find yourself addicted, consumed, and captivated by these games.


  1. I definitely fell victim to the addiction of candy crush, the game as bright colors, calming music and various levels to complete. My facebook account is also synced to candy crush so I can see which level all my friends are on and its almost like a competition. This game feels like it stimulates my mind and makes me think hard to make at least three matching candies in a row to result in crushing the candy. I use this app way too often as I'd like to. I can see this game being a total distraction. But is Candy Crush to blame? I dont think it is, everyone has some addiction whether it be to gum, tv, cigarettes, or even to using a phone.

  2. I am a Candy Crush addict and I know I need help. I get up every morning and play until I am out of lives, and during the day, every free minute I get is playing this game. Sometimes I wish they would have never came out with it. It takes time away from my "Real" life. They need a candy crush rehab place, I would so check myself in there.
