Friday, September 6, 2013

People and movies

As human beings we love to watch movies. But what genres do most Americans like to watch the most? A website by the name of conducted a survey among 12+ to determine exactly that question.

As you can see in the chart, Action/Adventure seems to be the most popular genre, followed by comedy, and the sci-fi fantasy. Why is action/adventure the most popular? What makes that genre so much more popular than the others?

The highest grossing action film in the U.S.
So why are action/adventure films more popular then others? Maybe people are drawn to them by all the bright lights and loud noises. Maybe people are so desperate for action in their own daily lives that they feel they need to watch them. Maybe it's because they are simply just that well made. Or, maybe because, if only for one second, people can believe that anything is possible.

Believe it or not, this is the highest grossing comedy in the U.S.

So, then why do Americans love comedies? Well, that's a simple answer. People like to laugh. Whether it be someone getting hurt, a funny joke, or whatever else, people really do love to laugh. Then the question is, animated, or not? Which is more popular? Well, for the most part, animated films are created for kids. So deciding if they are more popular would have to come down to age group, however not to suggest that teens and adults cannot enjoy an animated film.

                                              People have different views on their favorites.
                                                      (video made by JogWheel)

So, in short, people have their own personal favorite genres and movies. Whether it may be action/adventrure, comedy, sci-fi, etc. it doesn't matter. They are a simple release for people to escape their daily lives and, even if only for a second, believe anything is possible.

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