Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Steroids and Photoshop; are they Comparable?

Steroids and Photoshop; are they Comparable?

If steroids are illegal for athletes then should Photoshop be illegal for models? In my own personal opinion I think yes! You are altering your body for the best appearance and performance. They are both bad as in steroids give athletes an unfair advantage and Photoshop can make models look skinnier than what they are,

which can lead to more people going on diets, becoming anorexic and obsessive about their body. Most people think that they are fat because the media portrays the perfect body, the perfect woman. With Photoshop you can shred one hundred pounds right off, enhance body parts and make your skin look glowing. 


For steroids you are essentially doing almost the same thing, enhancing your body for the best appearance. You can look at both sides of this ongoing argument saying steroids actually mess with your body and are harmful by injection and Photoshop for models just “cleans them up,” doesn’t physically harm them. Harming just them or woman all around the world? Will we ever be comfortable in our bodies? Why can’t we go back to the 1950’s when Marilyn Monroe was the ultimate goddess with not a perfect physique?
 What do my readers think? Are steroids and Photoshop comparable?


  1. I've never thought of this point of view. The idea seems a bit far out but I find myself completely agreeing. Why should models have to be compared when it's not there true self?

  2. Are they comparable? i can't say yes. Injecting steriods is a whole new league compare to photoshopping. there is a incomparable side effects from steriods to photoshopping and photoshopping really dont have a side effects.
    i believe the argument should be a comparison between steriods and surgeries.

  3. Yes, I too agree on this arguement. This is a completely two different thing, and steroids have side effects, which photoshopping does not. Photoshop is still bad .
