Wednesday, September 4, 2013

PED's are the in thing

Since 1998 it seems that the hot topic regarding Major League Baseball is steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. The range of players that have been suspected and/or found guilty of using PEDs is very broad, this list goes from small "no name" players to top stars such as Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds.Just this year twelve players have been suspended for violating the leagues substance abuse policy.The list of players can be found here.
Now I'm no expert but that looks a little suspicious to me(Photo to the left showing Barry Bonds from his earlier seasons to what he looked like in the late 2000's). To me steroids have run rampant throughout baseball and it's down right disgraceful. They have ruined the integrity of the game and the players that use them should be banned. There are over fifty thousand combinations of steroids available in various forms and the tests that the MLB does on players only test for five hundred of these variations. That's one percent of the variations combinations that players could be using. Players like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens who have put up Hall of Fame numbers got exactly what they deserve, no votes when they appear on the Hall of Fame ballots. I can only hope that trend continues in the future.


  1. How could they even suggest someone like Barry Bonds who tested positive in the hall of fame? What does that teach other players? They aren’t hall of famers, they should be banned forever. We can’t go to work and test positive on a drug test and expect our boss to give us a “time out” and then we come back to work like nothing ever happened. We wouldn’t have a job to come back to. I wonder how many players actually get away with using PED? I read an article and a source said the NFL had approximately 10-20% of their players using HGH three to four years ago, to double that now. Because the NFL doesn’t have and testing for it yet. I personally think it’s disgusting that players can use an illegal drug and not be banned from that sport.

  2. I support that their steroid tests aren't as thorough as they should be and, hopefully, they come up with a better, or at least more detailed tests. I also agree that they should be ashamed of themselves for cheat/using substances, etc. etc. But how many of the players actually use steroids and start their own ring for meds? *coughalexrodriguezcough* The problem with them getting better tests is that they have to pay to check every player. If they don't have the money, what with baseball kind of at a standstill at the moment, then how would they afford the costs of the latest technology? To be honest, when I first read this post, all I could think of was a twisted reality where steroids became mandatory for all baseball players to get better results from games (I'm sorry, I love Futurama).

    1. All i could think about after reading the last line was Daniel Tosh's bit about how every player should be required to use steroids. We deserve the best athletes science can create for us.
