Sunday, September 8, 2013

FEDORAS...Why Though?

Okay. Sorry in advance to those of you who like fedoras BUT I am NOT a fan. Honestly...I see them in stores all the time and think to myself "really?". I know many celebrities wear them as well but I just do NOT understand why. I'm not trying to "dis" anyone's fashion preferences but can someone please explain why fedoras made a comeback and are so popular?
I own plenty of cute hats that I love to wear, but I would never purchase a fedora. I remember trying one on at the store once actually and about wet myself because I looked SO ridiculous. My friends and I then had a half hour conversation about how much we hate fedoras!
Do any of you watch Girl Code on MTV? If so, did you see the episode where Carly makes a comment about fedoras? I died laughing. That show makes me just about pee my pants in general but the fedora comment was HILARIOUS. Maybe it's just because I happen to agree with it. If you haven't seen it, check out this short clip. Sorry it isn't the best quality, it's the only video of it I was able to find on you tube.
I agree with Carly! "It's never okay to wear a fedora, unless you're Freddy Krueger" 
What are your thoughts on fedoras?


  1. I completely agree with you - I'm definitely not a fan of fedoras. I have a ton of hats, but I don't own a fedora. They're just so ugly! It's even worse when guys try to pull them off, in my opinion.

  2. Personally I love fedoras, but sadly I don't own one since it fits weirdly on my head. It was a staple headgear in the 40s and 50s. The style came back because of the media. Look at Ne-yo for example. He wears a lot of fedoras.
