Thursday, September 12, 2013

Phone addiction

Take the time to stop and think of at least one person you know who DOESN'T have a cellphone.  Pretty hard isn't it?  Just about everyone has cellphones and it's starting to become an issue.  People get to be overly addicted to their phones and get pretty mad when they don't rise to their expectations.  Some people have separate phones for texting and calling.  Schools are having major issues with students and their phones.  I never understood why people are so obsessed with them.  No one lives in the moment anymore.  Everyone has their head down on a screen and completely miss whats going on around them.  Driving is probably the best example of this.  So many accidents are caused by people who are texting or using their phone in some way.  Deposit what these idiots say, their mind can only focus on one thing and when their texting their not able to focus on whats happening on the road.  Schools, Drivers ed, instructors all make it clear the consequences of texting and driving, yet most people still ignore insisting that that will never happen to them.  NEWS FLASH stop being a stubborn moron and put the phone away.  I've personally seen what happens when your on your phone while driving and to many young people are being killed because of it so, PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY.   

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