Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eyebrow threading!

I truly love it. I have been getting my eyebrows threaded for over ten years.i don't like to get waxed.waxing burns my skin, and pulls off the top layer of it.some people don't get in to this but I honestly thinks it is a cleaner,fresher,prettier look. It started back ancient years in China,Persia, and India. threading is known to pull out the hair follicles.its also known for the hair to grow back two to six weeks.the more you get it done the thinner the hair grows and the longer it takes to grow back.threading is not just for the eyebrows;upper lip,side burns,fore head are all examples(the whole face).its been done here in Minnesota for about 7years now that I know of.i use to get my eyebrows done in Chicago about tens years ago. You can find these stores in the malls or some spa places do it also.i think everyone should try it once and then debate what they like better.everyone that I had tried it really liked it.unlike waxing it doesn't irritate your skin or burn you.the first or second time might hurt, but after that its a piece of cake. It takes about two mins(depending on who is doing it)if the lady is experienced it's that fast but if she's new it might take four mins.i haven't had any complaints yet!


  1. I completely agree! I've been getting my eyebrows waxed for quite some time now, but one day i wanted to see what all the hype was about this new threading trend. When i did it the first time it was extremely painful but the finished product was amazing! The pain goes down the more you do it, and now thats all i will do for my eyebrows.

  2. I was actually watching the people that does it at the MOA. It so interesting how they do it on people. I haven't gotten my eyebrows done.
