Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Are you a "Belieber"

This year's music billboards award pop star Justin Beiber accepted a winning award and in his speech he demanded to be respected. Here are his exact words during his speech..

 “I really just want to say, it really should be about the music. It should be about the craft that I’m making. This is not a gimmick, I’m not — I’m an artist, and I should be taken seriously. And all this other bull should not be spoken of.”.  

Now what do you guys believe and think of that statement? Well should Justin Beiber be respected as he demands for it? Has he already earned it? Should he bother trying to get receive respect? In my opinion I have respect for Justin Beiber because he is getting money and living the dream most men would dream of and that's money and women coming your way. But since he demanded for respect, my respect for him has gone downhill. Believe me I am no "belieber". I don't like the guy, don't like his music, don't see any great talent in him at all. If he was a contestant on "The Voice, I wouldn't even turn my chair around because I'd think it was a joke.
Now lets look at why he would say that during his speech. If I was a celebrity who is getting money based on my talent's, I really wouldn't care what anybody else would have to say about me. You're worth more than them, making more money and living a better lifestyle so why let people's thoughts get into your head? Live your life, choose who you want to be in your life and apparently Justin Beiber choose the wrong crowd and he was butthurt from it. Many people have said he was also booed and given the middle finger but his fans cheers took over.
A part of growing up as kids and teenagers we were taught most of our lifetime before becoming an adult is to avoid judgement and comments from other people. I have learned that and will forever ignore those people and  a guy like Justin Beiber should be too. There has been many pictures and rumors of how Justin Beiber also spat at his fans from a Balcony as long as trying to fight a stranger in Europe after a performance. After all of this, well should he be respected? Did he have the right to state what he did? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think he has the right to say this because he hasn't shown the public what he really can do. Im sure his first couple songs were made for him and maybe a little audio altering but if he says he is a good artist then show us, don't try to tell us. The public knows what kind of music has been brought to you now is your time to show us what you can create that's different and shows his maturity as an artist.
