Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The iPhone 5C Effect

The New iPhone 5C

The iPhone 5C Effect

    3997. That is the number of different Android phone models that were in use in 2012. When asked what cell phone you have, one could be vague and say "An iPhone", but the answer, "An Android" would not suffice. There are too many different Androids on the market for you to not be specific about which one you have! The iPhone, however, is a different story. Before the release of the 5S and 5C, there were a total of 6 iPhones, so one can be a bit vague about which you have. But, could that have been the genius billion dollar plan behind  Apple's iPhone?

   Every year people line up in anticipation for the release of the newest iPhone, and why shouldn't they? like always, Apple's iPhone division has focused all year working on this one model, the newest iPhone. So no wonder people were surprised when they got Double what they were expecting! This years New iPhone 5S showed up with its sidekick 5C. At around $499 a pop, usually new iPhones are anything but cheap, but now a brand new $99 iPhone! How can this be? The quality of the new 5C is still as good as the 'old' iPhone 5 and many of its new features are similar to the 5S, the only thing different is its low-cost plastic wrapping. So what does this mean for the future of Apple's iPhone and they way we view the smart phones in general?

   Could this be a billion (maybe trillion) dollar idea that Apple has had? Possibly making a cheaper iPhone so that now nobody has an excuse not to try it? Imagine the domino effect that it could have on a new target market, that being people who have not yet switched to iPhone or a smartphone in general. This new iPhone 5C is like a gateway drug into the world of hardcore smartphone addiction. Previous customers with the iPhone 5 will upgrade into the 5S then 6 and so on just like they would have, but now this new market of previous no phoners and flip-phoners will now be upgrading to the affordable 5C, then there 5C for the '6C' then eventually the more expensive '6' then '7' and so on! And it won't stop there? Parents will be saying to them selves, "Lets start are kids off with a good 'cheap' phone like the iPhone 5C for there first phone". After that, the pieces all fall into place and the domino effect begins there too.

    Who knows if it will stop there? Apple has generated over 44 billion dollars in revenue from its current system of one new upgrade a year, so could double the iPhones per year potently double their revenue too? Or could we see the 5C start yet another domino effect? Should we start expecting 26 new iPhones per year, one for each letter of the alphabet? Well, chances are it will probably not be to that extreme, but maybe someday soon, we won't be able to be so vague about which 'iPhone' we have.


  1. I completely agree with your view on the iphone 5c because I just got a smartphone last year and the effect that it has had on me is making me want the cheaper but newer and that is exactly what apple is doing with the 5c. I think it should have a big impact on apple.

  2. I really like this blog post. Apple has become such a popular name brand that companies make there product compatible with Apples. Like you said, there are way to many Androids out there, it's ridiculous. And the cost of that is that those companies that are producing products compatible with Apple because it's all the same stuff, where you couldn't find half as much capability with an Android because they're all different. The fact that Apple could produce a cheaper iPhone was a good move. They set the bar and if any Android wants to be compared to an iPhone like the Galaxies, then they better step up their game.

  3. i think all iphone phone r almost the same it just that the name of the blind. it really change the diff.
