Thursday, September 12, 2013

Facebook is very good place too meet with your friends what you like, and you cane send you picher and good event. i like facebook because very way to post your idea or anyting what you want but we have to becareful becouse you know most of people addicted on facebook? I read about one  facebook addiction fact.This is what I read "20 minutes on Facebook links shared is 1,000,000 , event invited 1, 484, 000 , tagged photos 1,323,000, friend fequest accepted 1,972,000 ...."
So please ask yourslef how long spent your time on facebook a day?  If some one spent more then 10 hour surfing internet and chating with friends. what you think ? I want say facebook without self discipline, it is very dangerous.


  1. I check my facebook couple times a day, but each time is no longer than 10 minutes. I like facebook because whole my family in Vietnam, I need it to contact to them, but spend more than 10 hours? Are you kidding me? That's 1 and half of a full time job. Life is to short to wasting time!!!

  2. you did good but how many times a day you check your facebook for 10 minutes? or ask sameone realy addicted on facebook.
