Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tokyo wins bid for 2020 Olympics!

Tokyo 2020 Olympics 

Congratulations to Tokyo, Japan on winning the bid to host the 2020 Olympics! Tokyo won the bid against Madrid and Istanbul, who were also finalists. In Bueno Aires, Argentina, Tokyo was awarded the 2020 Olympics last Saturday. Tokyo has also hosted the 1964 Olympics.

Tokyo defeated finalist Istanbul 60-36 in the final round of secret voting. Madrid was eliminated earlier with a tie with Istanbul.

Bid leader and the International Olympics Committee said, "Tokyo can be trusted to be a safe pair of hands and much more. Our case today is simple. Vote for Tokyo and you vote for guaranteed delivery...Tokyo is the right partner at the right time."

Tokyo were in defensive for the final days in the campaign due to the mounting concerns about the radioactive water from the tsunami and plant.

In the final presentation, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the nuclear plant was not a threat to Tokyo and they personally took care of it.

Shinzo Abe said, "There are no health related problems until now, nor there will be in the future." Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has reassured that there is no problem in Tokyo and that everything will be fine. 

 Tokyo celebrations
A big round of applause to Tokyo for winning the bid!