Monday, September 9, 2013

Dressing-up not just for Halloween anymore.

Cosplay from Bioshock a popular game series and may favorite.
Costume play or better known by the slang term “cosplay” is now on the rise in pop culture gaining more popularity. Cosplay is the act of dressing up as fictional characters from video games  comics, anime series, and movies. Once suited up they will attend certain events for example; comic- con being one of the larger events for cosplay. This trend was brought to popularity by the Japanese by dressing up mainly for anime conventions. In the U.S cosplay was not that popular till the Japanese brought it alive again, and it is now booming.

Batman and Robin cosplay at any age
 Are you wondering why people dress up as these fictional characters?  Most people feel a relationship with these characters that they relate to them in a lot of ways; other people do it for photography and to draw attention to themselves. Cosplay can be for anyone any shapes, sizes, and age’s young and old it’s just a hobby that people get very involved and invested in.  Many make their own costumes and take pride wearing them out and showing their creativity. I think cosplay is a great way to leave the real world and be that super hero or fictional person that you always wanted to be. I believe in some way it would alleviate stress and help your mental health.  Looking at some of the costumes that people put the time into is amazing what they can come up with, and come so close to appearing like the real thing.  I am certainly interested in cosplay and designing costumes to be worn and there is a series that is going to premier on
SyFy called Heroes of cosplay.
Feel like this is something that you would be interested in I recommend checking out this show and seeing the amazing designs and creations. 

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