Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11th, Going Down in History

Today is a day that changed the lives of every Americans, some for the worse, or for the best. If anything positive came from this, a reality check. I mean state of mind, Pride for our country, and the realization that we are all in this together. When I say worse, well there is no need for explaining. When 9/11 happend, everyone can vouch for where they were at that exact moment in time. Some were in class, working, sleeping, or driving. No matter what everyone was doing, September 11Th will always be the day that citizens come together and recognize the horrid and tragic events that came upon our Nation that day.
On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four commercial airlines headed for the west coast destinations. This terrorist attack on the United States was orchestrated by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Three of the four airlines crashed into buildings, and the other one was crashed in a field in Pensylvania. Crashing into a field was not part of the hijackers' plan, their plan was abolished becasue the people aboard that plane were brave, some would call them heros for overtaking the hijack from the two original hijackers. Why would you call that a heroic act? Risking their own lives again to crash the plane in a field over the Capital (where the hijackers were originally going) seems pretty damn heroic to me. No body wanted to end up the way they did, and crashing into a field probably wasn't part of the plan. Could you only imagine what would of happened to this country, if that fourth plane, would have made it to the capitol?

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