Sunday, September 8, 2013

Operation Syria

We are Anonymous

When there was a time when people think they cannot do enough to fight what is right for their country or for themselves, an unknown group of computer hackers began to infiltrate their enemy's defenses through the use of the Internet. They invade and crash government websites and post embarrassing information of corrupted individuals for people to see over the world web. When being behind the computer doesn’t do the job, they may even go out and protest while donning the guy fawkes mask to retain their anonymity. These unknown hackitvists are known as "Anonymous". As the name implies they are a loosely network of people who fight against corruption around the world (literally) while concealing their identities. Anonymous has struck the attention of many people around the world and had been featured over the news and media. Members of Anonymous are peaceful protesters and their weapon of choice is the Internet. They are by no means, classified as terrorists as to some who seems to think otherwise. Probably one of the most known protests from Anonymous is the battle against SOPA. Thanks to Anonymous’s efforts, we have our freedom over the Internet.

Anonymous next target will be Syria’s corrupted government and other corrupt parties within the country. In fact, they had already launched a cyber attack on them and will continue to do so until they stop the bloodshed of their own people. According to their statement, they had already released a list of 22 Saudi and Syrian web domains thus far and many more is to come. Anonymous has attacked Syria government sites in the past. The Saudi Interior Minister even admitted that hackers claiming their association with Anonymous had successfully launched attacks on several of their websites. Anonymous is a strange and surprisingly, powerful group. Maybe they might be able to help end the bloodshed in Syria? After all, they’re Anonymous.
“We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.”

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