Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Last Call! Bandwagon for Miley

Miley Cyrus famous for her role as Miley Stewart in Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel network has truly shed her America's little sweet heart act. From her performance at this years VMA (Video Music Awards) on MTV to her very controversial video Wrecking Ball, everyone seems to have an opinion on Ms. Cyrus and they aren't good. Looks like everyone is jumping on the hate bandwagon that is Miley Cyrus. Sure she has done some pretty reckless things, example twerking on national television, licking sledge hammers, pumping the air with foam fingers, and constantly sticking her tongue out, she is trying to find her independence from her Hannah Montana days. Why the negative feedback? Is it not true that Rihanna too has a nudity in her video Stay (referring to the scene where she's fully nude in a bathtub), as well with Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke. Looks like in the music video world nudity will be very common, or actually has already become common. So why is it a big deal for Miley when it's not for many others. I love this new Miley and I thought this was a free nation where you could express yourself however you felt the need to, but I guess you're rights aren't valid if you're in the lime light. Then they wonder why we have cases like Amanda Bynes and young celebrities on drugs or even worse committing suicide, the media is too cruel. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you on loving the new Miley. I have always been a fan of her and just because she is growing up and trying new things my opinion on her hasn't changed. She is being judged more than a lot of celebrities which is probably because she came from Disney and this is isn't expected. However I think Miley is extremely smart! She may be taking risks and acting crazy but guess who everyone is talking about again? She went from disappearing to back in the lime light so she knows exactly what she is doing.
