Tuesday, September 10, 2013

School and Technology??

     Is technology ruining our kids’ education? Each year schools change their rules from no phones, laptops, tablets. Etc... To being able to have your cell phone out, computer up and running, also tablets on. This is a big on-going debate between the school board and parents. I know this is a huge distraction, kids have head phones and know how to hide them, instead of taking notes on the laptop or tablet they are playing the latest games. Most students have a Facebook, twitter, tumbler, etc...

     I came from a school where it was no technology what so ever, then to only at lunch, and then changing  it to it  is okay in a class room for looking up information to taking notes. This created a huge debate in classes and at home. More and more students started to slip on homework, which affected their grades. Being able to do research in class, instead of waiting for a computer in the library was nice. Not that many people where really researching, most where on the social websites, or shopping.
     Having technology in school is great due to looking up topics and turning in homework or even researching.  I think the school board needs to work out the bad and get the idea that kids will get distracted and not really do what they are supposed to being doing. Do you think kids should have so many technology uses every day? Whatever happen to "teaching"?? Is this ruining the state’s education levels?? How can we control this outburst?? 


  1. Can you really control it though? If a kid has a smartphone there is really no way for anyone to stop him/her from looking up whatever they want. Now if the school is able to issue out laptops/ipads/netbooks and force them to use the school wifi network then they would be able to regulate what the students would be able to access. From an IT standpoint it's very doable.

    How do you go about implementing it though? The cost of the supplies to hand out to students would be outrageous. Where does it start? Elementary? Middle school? High school? You have to factor in the cost of the device, expected life span of said device, and the costs to implement a way to regulate how it's used.

  2. I do not think that the use of technology will ruin the state's education system as long as the schools control when the students have acess to thier phones and other things. When workking on a project I found it very helpfull to be able to use my phone to do research and even if the students waste their time on twitter or facebook or anything else they will only be wasting their time to work on their project which they would have done anyway even if they couldn't use their phones. However students do not need to be allowed to use their phones on notes. If they were to use it for anything other than school related purposes they wouldn't be learning.

  3. I think that technology in school is acceptable if it is being used for the correct reasons. These would be for things like you stated, taking notes and looking up research quickly which are helpful to everyone and would encourage learning. I also believe that it is practically inevitable to stop kids from using their personal electronics for listening to music and texting friends and other entertainment reasons. This is because technology has become such a huge part of our culture today that people are so attached and addicted that they won't take the time put them away during class. Also, as hard as administration tries to prevent it at school, there will always be certain teachers that don't really care if kids are on their phones and there will always be students that don't care to follow the rules in classes with teachers that do care. The consequences are so lightly enforced as well that the kids are not scared to break the rules.

  4. I like the idea of technology but I feel it is to easy for kids now days.when I was in school we had to go to the library to research answers.now days you can google what you are looking up and the answer is right there.its so much easier but for us 80s babies and before we had to really do work for our answers
