Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Professional Procrastination. Reddit: The Time Sink of the Internet

Strap in, fire up the lazy wagon and get your cat pictures ready it's time to talk about reddit. More than just a way to dwindle away countless hours of your life, reddit is your one stop shop for all things pop culture, because it is the embodiment of what people think.

For those who may not know, reddit works like this: users submit content, be it, world news, personal anecdotes that hit right in the feels or images of Nicolas cage's face spliced into different scenarios.

 Considering that all content is filtered through both, ridiculously complicated algorithms and by a system of "upvotes and downvotes" given by millions of different people's opinions it is safe to assume that only the best content makes it to the front page. Take for example, (below) is one of the top posts from yesterday. Link to thread here

So, you might be thinking to yourself, I don't like things that are funny, or cute, I hate enjoyment and could never get addicted to reddit. Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but there is very likely a subreddit for you, no matter how obscure an interest you have.

So, how is it that reddit so well represents pop culture? You are allowed anonymity on reddit, ergo everyone is allowed to freely express their opinions without fear of admonishment from others. Of course, accepting pseudonyms is a double edged sword, on one hand it allows people to express what they really think, on the other, it allows people to express what they really think. What I am saying is, things can get pretty raunchy pretty quickly. If you ever find yourself seeing the little fellow to the left, you better make darn sure you know where you're going. He who says there be no fate worse than death hath never laid eye on /r/spacedicks. No, I will not hyperlink that...

So the question I propose to you: do you want to to procrastinate like any other weirdo by chiming through facebook, or... going out with people, or do you want to do it in style and mindlessly click cat pictures like a true hero?!

Disclamer: Most all of the information came from my years of "research" on the website and that which didn't was directly and blatantly stolen from this video below. Thanks for the read!


  1. Not my official post response but god help whoever gets sucked into actually looking up r/spacedicks....

  2. Dustin, ha. I am guilty of perusing Reddit more than I probably should. It's kind of hilarious. However, there are also some great interviews with a variety of people on Reddit, and those are often worthwhile. Great post.
