Monday, September 9, 2013

You can never be overdressed or overeducated.

In an era where everything is disposable, and trends are disappearing faster than Azealia Banks' hairline, the ability to recycle old things into something refreshing and trendy is an invaluable tool to staying hip and happening. What does one first notice when glancing upon another human being walking this earth? Is it the dull, deadened look of desperate hunger for attention and affection? Of course not! We keep those feelings deep down inside of us, like an upstanding American should.

Even with a weave, take care of your hair!
No, dear reader, it's our appearance of course! More specifically, our clothing. How else can we decide who is cool enough to hang out with and who to publicly shame and ostracize? The trick to staying relevant is to grasp onto those fashion trends for dear life, and never ever in your wildest dreams let go.

Are frosted tips still in?
This brings into question the prospect of cost. How can we possibly stay on trend when the styles are changing every 15 minutes? Get crafty! There are lonely and single 30-somethings (that don't need a man, just a glass of pinot noir and a good set of sewing shears) that have dedicated long hormonal filled nights to creating new ways to wear old things.

She just needs Mr. Right to get his cone off, because Mr. Left is getting lonely.
Take, for example, those overly baggy basketball shorts that became popularized by the rugged pioneers of the early 2000s. Seen on every street corner and shopping mall, they were just the bee's knees of hip urban fashion. But what are we to do now that the circulation stopping trend of skinny jeans are in? Now that hemlines have risen so far that they barely cover our fertile crescents and low-hanging fruit? Well fear not, gentle readers, for some kindly internet men have shown us that it's possible to transform these well worn gym shorts into an outfit worthy of any night on the town!

It's very simple, seen in this photo tutorial here. Simply shove your sweating, heaving body into one pant leg of a pair of poorly constructed nylon shorts, and whimsically toss the other pant leg over your shoulder in a very devil-may-care way. Viola! You've transformed yourself into a stunning fashionista, using only materials you already own. Throw on some glittery heels and you're ready for a night of wanton giggling with your frenemies over vodka tonics!

"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." ~Oscar Wilde

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