Thursday, September 12, 2013

Is technology the new babysitter?

    In the days we as people live in now, we are becoming too dependent on the new and latest technology out there. Technology has evolved into not only an adult necessity, but a necessity to children as well. Are parents using technology as a way to distract their children? Children adapt to new things that their parents give them, and the way they are raised in this generation. Parents are now giving their children technology as a way to learn new ideas, but little do they know this is becoming an issue. 
Technology is becoming a new way to "bribe" children into getting what the parents desire. Some might say their child can watch television after their room is cleaned. Children see this as a reward and say yes, due to them being dependent on watching t.v. Parents buy things like iPads and iPhones for the apps they provide for small children, giving them a way to distract the children so they can go and finish unfinished tasks. The result of children being dependent on this, is they don't explore anymore. They all stay inside and play video games or watch t.v. instead of playing outside on the playground. Children should not be affected by the use of technology at such a young age, because now they wont experience living in the moment like older generations did.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is so true, for example my god son loves SpongeBob and when is acting out or crying if you tell him I will let you watch him on my phone will you stop and he does. He will sit and watch it so calm and quite. Its very unhealthy for the kids the don't interact in outdoor activities any more they are more isolated.
