Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Is It Modern Talk?

The 21st century is the new page for the world and the most important highlight is technology. People continue to embrace technology to obtain new knowledge which is required by their professions, to connect to friends and families, and for other resources of their interests. However, technology results in some kind of a boundary in communications. One type of technology is a cell phone which has been a controversial topic in our daily life. Why do cell phones become a chronic debate in our society? Apparently, the cell phone is a significant tool connecting people closer around the world, to online resources, and to work related projects. It is also considered as “magic eye” that helps people guard their homes, their loved ones even when miles away. Nevertheless, most people take advantage of this feature using a cell phone instead physically communicating face-to-face with people in the moment.  For example, most people are experienced with texting; particularly it is most common in teenagers.  They communicate through a screen even though they can touch one another’s shoulder or be present in the same room. Because of the developing of technology, communication potentially affects to all relationships. It seems like a new style, but this new approach alerts us to the loss of beauty of the language. The young generation lacks interest in “face-to-face communication” with people around them. As the result, people eventually are caring less, misunderstanding more, bonding less, and expressing less their perspectives. In sum, the cell phone is a complement of most people’s daily life. It not only has different useful methods, but also can be a barrier in communication for everyone of us. If you master and understand technology functions, like the cell phones, people will go beyond the technology and controversy of cell phone use to communicate.  At least, communicating with the cell phone is the topic for people to discus.


  1. I am thinking about the benfit of cell phome. yes it is one way and very easy to communcating but as you writen the bigest problem is making people the young generetion lacks interst in face to face commuocation the is realy ture. kell the family time and more people give time to taxet than real meating.

  2. I know, but sometimes people don't realize that. I believe when I communicate "face-to-face" with people, I feel closer to them. Most people can determine what kind of person he/she is through face-to-face communication or longer conversation which will be never ended in texts

  3. I think that the fact that face to face contact is becoming less important and valued is rather sad. I feel it takes away from truly getting to know and understand people and make real friendships. I think text and cellphones and social networking do help improve communication and can bring us closer, but if we use them not as a ends but as an means of communication, otherwise we'll lose something truly valuable. But that's just me.
