Tuesday, September 10, 2013

hip hop and its infulence pop culture

This is something you would have never seen twenty years ago when rap jumped into the scene with acts like RUN DMC to Curtis Blow but now with its popularity it has just took off. You have sixteen year old boys with millions of dollars and it has just took off. Not only for young black kids but white suburban kids also.
I have seen this thing just take off. I'm forty years old, so rap started with old school things like mixing, scratching, and dudes. Standing around busting freestyle rhymes some writing, some off the top of there heads, and it was good times. Seeing this rap thing take off has me saying wow cause when we were doing it we had fun. We would have rap wars and dance wars. That's what people don't know, this rap thing started when people where giving house party's. Where u could get chicken wings, spaghetti, and a cold beer for five bucks Its during these house party's rap was really born. I have to say that it really got crazy cause of certain groups like NWA, Ice Cube, and Ice T. These rappers where talking about the street life and this was during Ronald Regan's days when he allowed all the coke they could ship with his wife talking about "say no to drugs for real." But these guys where speaking about fancy stuff, fancy cars, and was really living life from a whole different way.Its what was called gangsta  rap. I'm from Minnesota and we got hit hard when the gangsta rap was sent this way. We lost alot of young men on the north side of Minneapolis i lost seven friends that year, which made me go the same route. I did not know my lost soul was all i was losing and not gaining anything.
 It was the music that made us rebel it was the society saying we weren't anything cause we ate chicken and had babies at 15,and really made black people look so bad. Which still exists but the new thing is now that middle America not just those from the slums was listening and rebelling on there parents. It was no longer just blacks begin charged with being lost and dangerous. They had white kids wearing there hats backwards, pants sagging, and now its oh boy what do we do.This is something u will have to understand. This is something that has sweep across America like a flood flowing over rock. The rock is harder then the water but it still conquers it just as rap has conquered America.

1 comment:

  1. Although, rap in your perspective has "conquered America" there are still so many rappers that influence getting out of the conquered life. For example, Lauryn Hill, The Quest, and even artists such as Lupe Fiasco. All of these artists expound on hope for not just that community but for America as a whole.

    Over all though, I agree with your opinion of what rap has become and what rap has made many Americans to become.
