Sunday, September 8, 2013

Let's Keep it Private

Just last year in 2012 when SOPA (STOP ONLINE PRIVACY ACT) was stopped from turning into a law, we gained new grounds on holding our privacy online. But in 2013 when the NSA scandal was put into the spot light with Edward Snowden, we finally reached a point where enough was enough from the government peering into our daily lives. I firmly believe that what I do online should not judge whether I be branded a terrorist or a threat to society. It should not warrant a search against me when I have done nothing wrong. Even though I have nothing to hide, I would like to keep my life anonymous.

Ways we can keep our lives private while browsing the internet is use an anonymizing service like TOR. When we surf the web with TOR enabled; it looks like we are using a TOR service from a different location but in reality we are not. This keeps information on what we do scrambled or what I'd say no bread crumbs left behind. It makes it very hard for other people to track what you do on the internet. Another way is to use the incognito function provided by the web browser itself. It will not keep track of cookies, history, scripts, trackers, and much more leaving you anonymous.

Other ways we can keep our lives anonymous is manage our passwords. This is a really simple way to make is harder for other to access your accounts. Writing down complicated passwords that even you and I cannot remember is a step in the right direction. Also having different passwords on every account you own will make it difficult for others. Programs like LastPass or 1Password make it useful for having many complicated passwords. These are also integrated into Dropbox as web extension for specific browsers. These programs will keep track over every password you have and fill in the login boxes when you tell it to. You don't have to memorize long and complicated passwords making it easier for you and me to go on about our web surfing. 

Here are a few links to help start your search on protecting your privacy when you are on the net.

Also other programs/browser extension that you might find useful

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