Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What’s new about the new iPhone? Nothing big.

       iPhones (and androids) have always had the next big thing. Now the iPhone 5C and iPhone5S have been revealed .............and have little new with them, you might even say the iPhone 5c has even down graded. The iPhone 5c has even become like some androids(made of plastic). With a constant demand for new products, Apple has rushed in making new phones for the better or worse. The iPhone 5c is the EXACT same as the old iPhone except it is more colorful and made of plastic and a hundred dollars cheaper (which will end up being around the same price as the iPhone 5 because of the price drop). You might even go so far to say that the C stands for cheap.(I know iPhone 5c doesn't have much) Now the iPhone 5S is the phone with the “Major” changes. It has a new camera, a new/ faster chip, and a finger scanner so you have to always help your friend open your phone. Oh I almost forgot it can now have a gold back, revolutionary right? The iPhone 5s and 5c are some of the most redundant iPhones ever made (unless you just need to have the newest phone). This video is a perfect (but not official) representation of the new iPhones. What do you think of the new iPhones?



  1. every phone coming after will be slightly different. I'm a big fan of phones but would not jump into a new phone as fast as most people would. It's a waste of money just like how the 4s came out just months after the iphone 4 came out. If you don't have 4g speed will be the same. Depending on where you are located, receiving signals is exactly the same which from my experience is even if it's a new phone services are the same. So is that really worth your money and time? To me it's not. A newer phone or version once every two years is good enough for me. It gets things done just as good as newer versions of phones.

  2. I think that all the "new and improved" smartphones are all nearly the same. I have an iPhone 4s and have had no problems with it yet, and honestly I like it better than the iPhone 5, I find it awkward to hold. The same goes for all the new Samsung phones, they make very minor improvements with the software and internal parts, but the only really noticeable difference is their size and shape. Smartphones are an amazing thing to own, but I don't believe in getting the brand new phones the second they come out, I just wait until my phone dies then I will get the most recent one, or even a generation behind it because it is much cheaper.
