Monday, September 9, 2013

The Obsessions of Today’s Youth

With the advancement of technology, the trending of smart phones and social media has made a prominent impact on the everyday lives of our younger generation. If you go anywhere- the mall or a restaurant, you will probably see people either texting or going on Facebook, it is generally said that most teens have a phone glued to their hand at all times. With free Wi-Fi everywhere you go and easy accessibility to get on the internet and either Instagram or Tweet what you’re wearing to school that day or making people drool over a delicious dessert you tweeted to your friends.  People want attention, they want everyone one to know what they’re doing, what they are wearing, pretty much share their entire lives. Due to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, selfies is a common thing to see on people’s profiles. These sites are all about displaying your life, your ideas, and your opinion towards things. Even this blog is an example of today’s youth obsession, this site is a way for people to get there thoughts out to the world, to let them be heard. Selfies are a good way to show the latest trends in fashion or popular hair styles or cool nail ideas. My favorite website to go to is Pinterest, because it’s where I get my outfit ideas and learn how to do different hair styles, like I just learned how to fish tale braid my hair, which was something I always wanted to learn. Always having a way to get on the internet and having these sites to express yourself have become the norm of today’s social life.


1 comment:

  1. It is so true, and we are losing the way we used to communicate with friends and our family. I missed the old days when we used to write letter to our friends and family.
