Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Need To Impress Your "Friends"

While you are sitting at the computer, do you really look like your profile picture you have displayed on Facebook or are you having a horrible hair day, no make-up and lounging in an oversized t-shirt drinking coffe? Because that is what I look like right now. The image we portray to our peers means so much to ourselves. Why does everyone care so much about what everyone thinks? Shouldn't we just trust ourselves that we are great and amazing? Is Facebook just another way to show our "friends" how amazing (we want them to think) our lives are? Now unless you are completely cut off from the world living in a cave on a deserted island, I think you know what Facebook is. About 95% of Americans have a Facebook.

When someone goes out of their way to embelish their life, I believe it is that person who is losing out. True friends know who you are, not the one thousand something "friends" you claim to have.  Do you really have a thousand friends or is that just the image you are trying to portray?

My point is, we spend too much time trying to impress others. We are actually missing out on life's opportunities. Take a step back from the computer and look around. You are amazing. Everyone would be happier if they had the confidence to be themselves both online and offline.

Do you sometimes lay it on thick to your Facebook audience to recieve praise and a high profile social status? Do you think you could go without facebook and still feel as great about the deeds or things you have done without the facebook praise? Imagine a world without Facebook.


  1. Hoo!!! i like this one. if someone needs more atention from athers meybe he is approval addiction. this leeds addiction of needing the validation, acceptance and approval of others.

  2. I guess when your younger you care so much what everyone thinks, now that I'm alot older, I don't really care what people think of me.

  3. I'd agree with Perlita on that younger people tend to care more about keeping an appearance up for others. I think it's especially when you're in middle or high school. It's natural that we care about other people's opinions of ourselves but we shouldn't go out of our way putting on a masquerade. We should just be who we are and let people appreciate us for ourselves, not what we or others THINK we should be.
