Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Hype about Body Image


Through the use of newspaper, television, and magazines, the ideal body image was developed and seems nearly impossible to accomplish. The ideal woman is Barbie; even though her body is too unproportionate to be accomplished by a normal woman. The ideal man is Ken aka tall dark and handsome. All an ideal body image can do is make people have less self esteem and feel more obligated to become someone that they are not.

Another media comparison is a model. Models are usually tall and skinny. Young girls usually look up to models for the newest fashion trends and the cutest hair styles. Being a model isn't all it's hyped up to be though. Models must maintain their figure. All this pressure usually leads up to a model becoming aneroxic or bulimic which isn't a healthy image to try and accomplish.

Men also don't have it so easy. Society supports the need for men to have muscles and to be ripped. Most men don't accomplish that and even if they try, they'll never look like a professional body builder. Since this image has evolved in society, more guys have started using steroids.
In reality, no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and people just have to accept the flaws, and accept people for who they are. Guy's standards should be lowered from Barbie with the perfect boobs, butt, and hair to just a normal girl. Girl's standards should be lowered from expecting a guy to look like Ken aka tall dark handsome and ripped to being a normal guy with average features. Society shouldn't tell you what to expect from yourself, you should be whoever you wanna be.


  1. It absolutely distresses me to think that some people actually believe that these standards are important or accomplishable without health risks. I believe one's beauty lies within and one should always respect and love themselves for how they look and who they are. Today's society has such a great impact on how one feels about themselves because of the media and the image celebrities portray to the public as beautiful. No matter how "beautiful" or Barbie like one looks, It does not make you a beautiful person. Some of the most beautiful people are the ones who rock who they are without a worry about what someone might think about them. Beauty is confidence and a combination of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense.

  2. I agree Anne people are doing entirely too much to risk their health in order to be skinny or have biceps. I don't think so. I if I see someone who is extremely skinny I always think to myself "Damn, someone needs to eat a little more." I know women who love their curves because a lot of men like it. But I always say confidence is the key if you're comfortable with it and you don't care what anyone thinks then you're fine just the way you are. :)

  3. I couldn't agree more. I think its absolutely ridiculous to even think that the Barbie dimensions are natural. There is no way to get her proportions without chopping off parts of your bones! I think girls these days worry way to much about what people think. Honestly I think that natural is the best way to go, because there is only one you! I do think women have a harder time dealing with expectations because they are advertised more than men. I think that's largely because women tend to like shopping more than men. But just because they are buying what's advertised doesn't mean it makes them look any better but they have a mental satisfaction. Men definitely critique themselves as well but most tend to not be as distressed about their figure as women. Good post!

  4. I agree society has ruin so many people out looks of themselves. 90% of people on TV have something fake, from boobs, nose to butt implants or shots. Especially the youth they don't fully understand that celebrities try many things to look the way they do. If only people would concentrate on there health and just be happy for what God has made them to be. We are all beautiful in our own way.
