Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Health craze

In this day and age health is a big part of our society, but why? In the 1960's the the obesity rate was at about 10 percent where as now it is closer to 40 percent. Some may infer that its the portion sizes that cause this, but i think otherwise. The amount of food we put on our plate now difers so much then back then. (as seen right) We have increased our sizes over two times the amount in the sixties.

 Why would they do this to us? The more food you get, the more you will eat and inturn, spend more money. This is a real problem in the U.S. more than any other country. We are such a greedy country we care more about the money being gained then the weight being gained in our citzens. An easy way to fix it is simply change the sizes. Its a request that needs to be sent to all the fast food corporations but why listen? They make more more actual food than you will make money, in a year.

Subway makes enough sandwichs in a  year to streach around the world an estimated six times

This is a real epipidemic in our country and needs to be fixed to change the health of all of us. If u want to improve your personal health, its simple, change you portion sizes and I think you will be pretty impressed with the results.

1 comment:

  1. i think you are right but hey everybody needs a little junk food in there lifes we just wouldnt fit in if we didnt and people who diet and eat good every now and then a twinkie or cupcake will be in there mouth
