Monday, September 9, 2013

Tokyo Olympic 2020

Tokyo has been chosen to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games.

 As a Japanese, I should feel proud of this; however, I cannot be very happy about Tokyo Olympic 2020 from some reasons. These reasons are just my opinion, so I would like to hear what you think about Tokyo Olympic 2020 after you read my thoughts.

To be honest, I am against this decision. There are two big reasons why I'm against that Tokyo will being host the 2020 Olympic.

First, Japan has not yet recovered from big damage by earthquake and Tsunami. There are still so many people who are living in temporary housing. I still hear some of them are not able to find a new job. They did nothing bad. A tsunami just took over everything from them. What the Japanese government should do right now is not building infrastructure for Olympic. They have to help people who are still suffering from the disaster! In addition, I'm wondering what they are going to use infrastructures once the Olympic is done? Isn't it just be unused and falling apart? It sounds wasting so much money to me.

Second reason is Japan is in horrible debt right now. I'm not sure how much debt they have right now, but last time I checked Japan's debt was 4 times greater than their GDP and it was seriously hurting their economy. Now, how are they going to build infrastructures? Will they get more debt? Isn't this sound very weird? This just sounds not right to me at all.

The decision has already made, so there is no turning back. I hope they will succeed in 2020. One thing I'm hoping about Tokyo Olympic is, everyone can laugh and have some fun in my country. I am against this, but at the same time I'm proud of this as a Japanese.


  1. Despite huge debt and dealing with the fukishima reactor meltdown, the Olympics will be extremely beneficial to Tokyo. As the Olympics near growth will boom and more work and manpower will be put into containing the radiation. As for debt the Olympics it is known to swell up a country's economy with an influx of revenue generated by the games and visitors. Hosting the Olympics is traditionally seen as a major honor and can shine a positive light on a country and boom economies.

  2. Accordingly to the disaster and debt that Japan has, I totally agree that 2020 Olympic shouldn't be held there. Although from a different perspective, hosting this Olympic may also overcome the difference. Everyone knows that Japan is surrounded with water. With the great chance of helding this Olympic, Japan may have an increase in making money as worlwide travelers come in. Who know's what the deal is, but this idea may be an opportunity for Japan to reveal themselves.

  3. while holding the 2020 Olympics would be a nice display for Japan among the international community;showing that they have(by then) recovered from the tsunami and subsequent Fukishima meltdown. more importantly however is japans debt. It is true that the Olympics provide a boom in a nations economy, but "booms" by their nature are short lived. after the boom is over then the debt starts looming. the first example of this that comes to mind is the 2004 Olympics in Greece. The country went into the games with high spirits, but eleven years later and Greece is in dire straits with crippling debt and staggering social unrest (the Olympics mainly added to the debt not the social unrest). It's unlikely that this would be the case in Japan but never the less its something to bear in mind.
