Monday, September 9, 2013

Text and Drive

Texting and driving has always been an issues since the texting era came about. Now a day, there are more and more teens and adults out there driving while texting. It doesn't take a genius to know that texting and driving is dangerous, but still many young adults still do after hundreds of stories of accident that result in texting and driving. About 77% of young adults are confident that they can drive and text safely and 55% of young adult claim that it easy to text and drive, but, in 2011, 23%  of auto collisions involved cell phone which estimated about 1.3 million crash!
Texting make an auto collision up to 23x more likely. Not only texting can increase the risk of collision, other activities such as reaching for your device, talking or listening to your phone, and dialing on your phone can cause up to 2x the risk. Teens who text and drive spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside their lane. Let say if you were to take your eyes off the road for about 5 seconds, it is equal driving across the length of a football field if you were to travel at a speed of 55mph.

What can we do to stop this?
In most state there has been law to prohibit all drivers from text messaging and phone use.

In conclusion, SAVE A LIFE, DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!.......PLEASE:)


  1. It's obvious that texting and driving is bad and results in many automobile accidents. I agree we need to stop it, but the problem is there really isn't a way that can stop everyone.

    1. You are right, there is really not a way to stop everyone from texting, while driving. I think there should be more commercials on television on what happens when texting while driving, like they do with smoking and drunk driving. I get so mad with my boyfriend texting when he drives, and not paying attention to the road, with the two little one in the back.

  2. I saw a commercial on HuluPlus regarding texting and driving. It was a WOW factor commercial. I'll see if I can find a video of it.
