Wednesday, September 11, 2013

iPhone, long live the king?

The dominance of the iPhone in the mobile market seems like it’s been going on for a long time.  As it’s that time of year again, everyone’s excited about the unbelievable hardware and the stunning updates for the new iPhone. I’m sure you’ve heard of the release of the new iPhone 5S and 5C this past week. However if you backtrack not even 8 years ago, the iPhone was not even on the market yet!  So can you recall the last major mobile company that dominated the scene? You guessed it, its old rival Blackberry! But what happened to this once prestigious company and will it happen to Apple too?

It wasn’t long ago Blackberry phones were the crown jewel of the mobile device market.  At the time, Blackberry offered revolutionary products that included concrete security software and were one of the first to showcase an amazing mini-keyboard pad. A must have at that time, it was a sophisticated mobile device that offered easy texting for the youth and was the quintessential phone for the important business executive.

However, slowly the Blackberry line waned in popularity. When the iPhone was first released in 2007, it was naturally dubbed the “Blackberry Killer.”  The ease of having tunes on a widely used musical platform such as iTunes and an easy to use touchscreen proved to be an instant attraction.  Software glitches that didn’t allow network and email to work deteriorated Blackberry’s reputation as well. Corporate giants such as Yahoo Inc. and Halliburton Co. replaced their employee mobiles from Blackberry models to more consumer-friendly devices, which at one time were 70 % of it’s subscribed users. 

So will the iPhone continue to dominate the market in the future? Will consumers continue to flock to Apple stores and wait in line for hours? We may soon find out in the next coming months, as new releases of anticipated smartphones are set to be unveiled.  

All I know is in two weeks, I will be in line for the new iPhone 5S!

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